Aura Kasih Offer 200 Million, But Declined

JAKARTA - Here it is the development of the prosecuted cases Aura Kasih criminal by PT Debindo Mega Promo. The case is still under investigation. Aura could offer compensation on top of 200 million, but declined.

"His case has not been entered into the trial, still under investigation. Wednesday (07/06/2010) Causation Factor investigators from Makassar had come to Jakarta to conduct kroscek to the hospital (Pondok Indah), Aura management, and the aura itself. The result was still in investigators, "said Project Manager PT Debindo Mega Promo Muslim Hussein, who was contacted in Jakarta on Thursday (06/10/2010).

During this time, instead of the singer's sexy never do anything to try the way of peace. Aura Manajeme never tried to contact Debindo. "Yesterday just from my lawyers. He said they (management Aura) will negotiate reimbursement of losses, but there has been no formal talks," he said.

Although there has been no formal talks about a nominal reimbursement for loss, Aura never called the number, ie above 200 million. Unfortunately, the peace effort was too late.

"They offer over Rp200juta, but we will proceed from this process because it had gone into the police," he asserted.

Figures supplied Asmara Two movie stars Diana was too small from initial demands that Debindo Rp2, 6 billion, including losses immateri. But because the report had entered the police, then turned into a criminal prosecution with the demands of six-year prison sentence.

"Whereas before entering the police report, only demanding 260 million because we did not include losses immateri. We did not include losses immateri because there has been an apology from the Aura," Ashrafi said.

As reported, to enliven the anniversary of the provincial government of South Sulawesi, PT Mega Promo Debindo as event organizers invite Aura Kasih. On January 9 PT Debindo already communicate with the management to perform Aura Kasih brought eight songs.

But on D-day, suddenly disappeared from the airport Aura Kasih. Mentioned, he suddenly left the airport by taxi. Aura of confusion when he must choose diputusin boyfriend or a birthday gig at the South Sulawesi province on January 15. Since the incident, the management of their own Aura Kasih blame.

Apparently, choosing lovers adversely affect demands for him because tails of Rp2.260.000.000 and labeled as a professional artist. (Ang)

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